This is a dark and gritty attempt to reboot the original Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers with Dean Israelite at the helm. From the teaser, it looks like The Breakfast Club meets Power Rangers. Unlike the original series, our heroes are not friends at first and most overcome their own personal differences to master the powers they receive when they discover Power coins in a restricted area.
Following the tradition of the PR Universe, newcomers were cast as the new Rangers:
Dacre Montgomery plays Jason, the Red Ranger
Naomi Scott plays Kimberly, the Pink Ranger
R.J. Cyler plays Billy, the Blue Ranger
Becky G(omez) plays Trini, the Yellow Ranger
Ludi Lin as Zack, the Black Ranger
Elizabeth Banks plays the new Rita Repulsa, who now sports a look that crosses PR villainess Scorpina and DC villain Poison Ivy.
Bryan Cranston plays Zordon, the eventual mentor of the Rangers.
Bill Hader plays the voice of Alpha 5, the robotic sidekick of Zordon.
Instead of spandex, the suits in the film are crystalized armor that grow onto the Rangers.

The film is coming out on March 24, 2017 from Lionsgate and Saban Films.